Abstract | Internet trgovina obuhvaća fizičke i pravne osobe koje kupuju i prodaju proizvode i usluge preko interneta i to koristeći računala, tablete, pametne telefone ili pak ostale pametne uređaje. Internet trgovina se češće naziva e-trgovinom, a iako se nerijetko izjednačava isključivo s trgovinom proizvoda i usluga preko interneta, ona obuhvaća i širu gospodarsku aktivnost. U praksi je najčešća B2B internet trgovina (organizacija s organizacijom), ali nisu rijetke ni B2C (od organizacije do potrošača), C2C (od potrošača do potrošača) te C2B (od potrošača do organizacije). Internet trgovinu odlikuje niz prednosti od kojih se najviše ističu njena pogodnost, široka paleta proizvoda i usluga, jednostavnije dopiranje do novih potrošača, globalna prodaja (uvijek i svugdje). Međutim, ovakva vrsta trgovine ima i nedostatke poput nedostatak fizičkog kontakta između prodavača i kupca, nemogućnost dodirivanja proizvoda, moguće tehničke poteškoće i brojne druge. Međutim, internet trgovina se stalno razvija i napreduje te je trenutno razvijen niz njenih trendova čiji se rast i razvoj očekuju u njenoj budućnosti. Na temelju provedenog anketnog istraţivanja moguće je zaključiti da je internet trgovina poznata i aktualna među ispitanim pojedincima, ali da i dalje postoje njena nepoznata područja. Iako postoje i oni nezadovoljni, ipak je veći dio ispitanika zadovoljan u pojedinim aspektima internet trgovine, a posebno u području njene pouzdanosti i sigurnosti te brzine isporuke proizvoda. Najveći im problem zapravo predstavlja cijena isporuke koja je nerijetko viša od cijene samog proizvoda koji su naručili. Međutim, većina je ispitanih pojedinaca preporučila kupovinu putem interneta ili planira to učiniti te navode mnoštvo njenih prednosti, a posebno uštedu vremena koja je vrlo vaţna u današnjem uţurbanom svijetu u kojem žive. |
Abstract (english) | Online commerce includes natural and legal persons who buy and sell products and services over the Internet, using computers, tablets, smartphones or other smart devices. Internet trade is more often called e-commerce, and although it is often equated exclusively with the trade of products and services over the Internet, it also encompasses a wider economic activity. In practice, the most common is B2B online shopping (organization with organization), but B2C (from organization to consumer), C2C (from consumer to consumer) and C2B (from consumer to organization) are not rare either. Online shopping is characterized by a number of advantages, the most prominent of which are its convenience, a wide range of products and services, easier access to new consumers, global sales (always and everywhere). However, this type of trade also has disadvantages such as the lack of physical contact between the seller and the buyer, the impossibility of touching the product, possible technical difficulties and many others. However, online commerce is constantly developing and progressing, and a number of its trends are currently developed, the growth and development of which are expected in its future. On the basis of the conducted survey research, it is possible to conclude that online shopping is known and current among the surveyed individuals, but that its unknown areas still exist. Although there are also those who are dissatisfied, most of the respondents are satisfied with certain aspects of the online store, especially in the area of its reliability and safety and the speed of product delivery. Their biggest problem is actually the delivery price, which is often higher than the price of the product they ordered. However, most of the surveyed individuals recommended online shopping or plan to do so, citing its many advantages, especially saving time, which is very important in today's busy world in which they live. |