Abstract | Hotelijerstvo predstavlja djelatnost koja spaja mnoge odjele pružanja usluga u hotelima u jednu cjelinu. Hotelijerstvo je jako zastupljena djelatnost u Republici Hrvatskoj, a veliki broj djelatnika zapošljava za vrijeme turističke sezone. Prijamni odjel ho tela, odnosno recepcija je odjel koji prvi stupa u komunikaciju sa gostima i gosti stvaraju prvi dojam o hotelu upravo na temelju komunikacije s osobljem recepcije. Na recepciji osim recepcionara, može se zateći i šef recepcije, pomoćnik šefa recepcije, ho telski administrator, žurnalist, vratar, blagajnik, telefonist i sl., no potreba za osobljem ovisi isključivo o veličini hotela i smještajnom kapacitetu. Svaki od zaposlenih odgovoran je za svoj dio posla, a recepcionar je na kraju svake svoje smjene dužan izraditi izvješće o učinjenom taj dan, te poštujući hijerarhiju poslovanja za svoje poslove odgovara šefu recepcije, koji u konačnici za cjelokupno poslovanje odgovara direktoru. Prijamni odjel je specifičan po tome što obuhvaća više zadataka istovremeno, zaposlenici su u stalnom kontaktu sa gostima, potrebna je sposobnost i preciznost, a posebno briga o gostima. Na temelju prikupljene dokumentacije od strane prijamnog odjela ocjenjuje se rentabilnost poslovanja. Kakva će biti organizacijska struktura prijamnog odjela ovisi o veličini i strukturi hotela, te njegovom smještajnom kapacitetu. |
Abstract (english) | Hotel management is an activity that combines many departments of hotel services into one whole. Hotel management is a very popular activity in the Republic of Croatia, and a large number of employees are employed during the tourist season. The reception department of the hotel, that is, the reception, is the department that first enters into communication with guests, and guests form their first impression of the hotel precisely on the basis of communication with the reception staff. At the reception, in additio n to the receptionist, you can also find the head of the reception, assistant head of the reception, hotel administrator, journalist, doorman, cashier, telephone operator, etc., but the need for staff depends solely on the size of the hotel and the accommodation capacity. Each of the employees is responsible for his part of the work, and at the end of each shift, the receptionist is obliged to prepare a report on what was done that day, and respecting the business hierarchy, he reports to the head of the re ception desk, who ultimately reports to the director for the entire business. The reception department is specific in that it encompasses several tasks at the same time, employees are in constant contact with guests, ability and precision are required, and especially care for guests. Based on the documentation collected by the admissions department, the profitability of the business is assessed. What will be the organizational structure of the reception department depends on the size and structure of the hotel and its accommodation capacity. |