University of Split University Department of Professional Studies Department of Electrical Engineering
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Perić, H. (2022). GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ (Undergraduate thesis). Split: University of Split. Retrieved from
Perić, Helena. "GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ." Undergraduate thesis, University of Split, 2022.
Perić, Helena. "GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ." Undergraduate thesis, University of Split, 2022.
Perić, H. (2022). 'GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ', Undergraduate thesis, University of Split, accessed 28 February 2025,
Perić H. GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ [Undergraduate thesis]. Split: University of Split; 2022 [cited 2025 February 28] Available at:
H. Perić, "GEOLOŠKI POTENCIJAL ZA ENERGETSKE SVRHE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ", Undergraduate thesis, University of Split, Split, 2022. Available at: