Author Boško Vučković
Mentor Ivona Jukić (mentor)
Committee member Anita Krolo - Crvelin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mijana Matošević Radić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Management, Trade and Tourism) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Završni rad se odnosi na istraživanje socijalnog poduzetništva, te njegova prisutnost u Republici Hrvatskoj i u svijetu. Poduzetništvo zauzima sve veću ulogu u modernom svijetu te razvoju istog. Ono u svojoj srži predstavlja sposobnost pojedinca ili poduze ća da uz određeni kapital, rizik, ideje itd. se upuste u poslovni pothvat u očekivanju ostvarenja profita. Socijalno poduzetništvo kao jedan od vrsti poduzetništva predstavlja pothvate vođene s ciljem
... More ostvarenja određenih društvenih misija te razvoja određenih pozitivnih efekata na društvo. Socijalno poduzetništvo se uvelike razlikuje od tradicionalnog poduzetništva, najveća razlika je u samome cilju provođenja poduzetničkih aktivnosti socijalnog ili tradicionalnog karaktera. Socijalno poduzetništvo ima cilj utjecati na boljitak drugih ljudi, izgradnju zajednica itd. dok tradicionalno poduzetništvo uglavnom posluje kako bi ostvarilo profit ili neke druge koristi. Zajedničko je pak što i obje vrste poduzetništva zahtijevaju određen vještine kako bi bile vođene pravilo. U Republici Hrvatskoj razlikujemo pravne oblike osnutka socijalnog poduzeća udruga, zadruga, ustanova, zaklada ili fundacija, trgovačko društvo i obrt. Unatoč dugoj tradiciji zadrugarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, u ovom trenutku još se uvijek ne može se govoriti i o visokoj razvijenosti društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj. U Hrvatskoj do značajnog razvoja građanskih organizacija dolazi po završetku Domovinskog rata. Njihov djelokrug većinom je ograničen na osiguravanje ljudskih prava i osiguravanje slobode izvještavanja i pisanja, odnosno razvoj demokracije i zaštitu životinja i okoliša. Kao primjer socijalnog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj navedene su udruge Lastavice, Dupinov san i kreditna unija NOA. U Republici Hrvatskoj je donesena strategija razvoja socijalnog poduzetništva s ciljevima razvoja socijalnog poduzetništva diljem Republike Hrvatske. Socijalno poduzetništvo ima bogatu povijest diljem svijeta te u mnogim zemljama ima značajnu ulogu. Kao primjeri su navedeni Grameen Ban k i WaterHealth International. Less
Abstract (english) The final paper deals with the research of social entrepreneurship and its presence in the Republic of Croatia and abroad. Entrepreneurship is playing an increasing role in the modern world and its development. At its core, it represents the ability of an individual or business to embark on a business venture in anticipation of profit, with some capital, risk, ideas, etc. Social entrepreneurship, as a type of entrepreneurship, is an enterprise driven
... More with the aim of accomplishing certain social missions and developing certain positive effects on society. Social entrepreneurship is very different from traditional entrepreneurship, the biggest difference being the very purpose of pursuing entrepreneurial activities of a social or traditional character. Social entrepreneurship aims at influencing other people's well-being, building communities, etc. while traditional entrepreneurship mainly operates to generate profits or other benefits. What is common, however, is that both types of entrepreneurship require certain skills in order to be driven by the rule. In the Republic of Croatia, we distinguish the legal forms of founding a social enterprise of associations, cooperatives, institutions, foundations, companies and crafts. Despite the long tradition of cooperative societies in the Republic of Croatia, at this moment it is still impossible to talk about the high development of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. In Croatia, significant development of civic organizations occurs after the end of the Homeland War. For the most part, their scope is limited to securing human r ights and ensuring freedom of reporting and writing, that is, the development of democracy and the protection of animals and the environment. As examples of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia, the associations Lastavice, Dupin's Dream and N OA Credit Union are cited. A strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship has been adopted in the Republic of Croatia with the goals of developing social entrepreneurship throughout the Republic of Croatia. Social entrepreneurship has a rich his tory around the world and plays a significant role in many countries. Grameen Bank and WaterHealth International are examples. Less
Socijalno poduzetništvo
socijalna misija
ljudska prava
pozitivan efekt
Keywords (english)
Social entrepreneurship
social mission
human rights
positive effect
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:841283
Study programme Title: Business Trade –– professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-29 11:29:11