Author Karmen Šunjerga
Mentor Tomislava Pavić Kramarić (mentor)
Committee member Branko Sorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Jakaša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Accounting and Finance) Split
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Hrvatska narodna banka (HNB) je središnja banka države koja je od osamostaljenja provodila određeni tečajni režim u Republici Hrvatskoj, koji će se ulaskom u eurozonu promijeniti. Za vrijeme postojanja hrvatskog tečajnog režima u zadnjih 20 godina, provodila je mjere unutar okvira monetarne politike najviše u obliku deviznih aukcija, visoke obvezne pričuve i minimalno potrebnih deviznih potraživanja. Cilj i svrha provođenja tih mjera je oduvijek bilo
... More održavanje stabilnosti cijena pomoću stalne niske i stabilne inflacije. Za HNB je bilo moguće provoditi navedene mjere upravo zbog korištenja režima upravljanog fluktuirajućeg tečaja koji odgovara karakteristikama hrvatskoga gospodarstva, ekonomije i razvijenosti. No, tijekom godina, Hrvatska je polako ali sigurno napredovala prema ulasku u Europsku Uniju i eurozonu, što sa sobom donosi promjene dosadašnjeg režima. Taj put prema EU je zemlji donio veliki napredak jer se za članstvo i pristup morala unaprijediti u svakom pogledu. EU je Hrvatskoj pomogla da prebrodi krize i više otvorila njeno tržište ostalim europskim zemljama. Sljedeći korak u napretku je uvođenje eura, koji se očekuje u razdoblju do mandata iduće Vlade, zbog dosadašnjih pokazatelja uspješnosti u ispunjavanju svojih obveza i zadataka. Uvođenje eura će sa sobom donijeti brojne prednosti i nedostatke, ali važno je naglasiti da su koristi od uvođenja eura značajne i trajne, dok su gubitci pretežito mali i jednokratni. Glavna prednost uvođenja eura za RH je u uklanjanju valutnog rizika, a osnovni nedostatak je što Hrvatska gubi mogućnost provođenja svoje monetarne politike i režima. Iako više neće provoditi svoju monetarnu politiku nego politiku Europske središnje banke, dvije su poprilično bliske pa promjena ne bi trebala biti veliki šok za Hrvatsku i njene građane. RH će i nakon uvođenja eura nastaviti s fiskalnim i strukturnim politikama jer ako želi ostati konkurentna na današnjem brzo rastućem tržištu, iz godine u godinu mora rasti i napredovati. Less
Abstract (english) The Croatian National Bank is the central bank of the country that has been implementing a certain exchange rate regime in Croatia since independence, which will change with the entry into the Eurozone. During the existence of the Croatian exchange rate regime in the last 20 years, measures within the monetary policy framework were implemented, mostly in the form of foreign exchange auctions, high reserve requirements and minimum required foreign
... More currency claims. The aim and purpose of implementing these measures has always been to maintain price stability through constant low and stable inflation. It was possible for the central bank to implement these measures because of the use of a managed floating exchange rate regime that corresponds to the characteristics of the Croatian economy and development. But, during these years, Croatia also was making progress towards joining the European Union and the Eurozone, which brings changes to the current regime. This path towards the EU has brought great progress for the country because, for membership and accession, it had to improve in every aspect. The EU has helped Croatia overcome crises and opened its market more to other European countries. The next step in progress is the introduction of the euro, which is expected in the period until the next government's term, because of the current performance indicators in fulfilling its obligations and tasks. The introduction of the euro will bring a number of advantages and disadvantages, but it is important to emphasize that the benefits of the introduction of the euro are significant and lasting, while the losses are mostly small and one time things. The main advantage of the introduction of the euro for the Republic of Croatia is the elimination of currency risk, and the main disadvantage is that Croatia is losing the opportunity to implement its monetary policies and regimes. Although central bank will no longer use their monetary policy but the policy of the European Central Bank, the two are quite close, so the change should not be a big shock for Croatia and its citizens. After the introduction of the euro, Croatia will continue with fiscal and structural policies because if it wants to remain competitive in today's fast-growing market, it must grow and prosper from year to year. Less
tečajni režim
monetarna politika
Keywords (english)
exchange rate regime
monetary policy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:331818
Study programme Title: Accounting and Finances – professional - professional Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-24 12:40:42