Sažetak | U današnje vrijeme interes za kriptovalutama i blockchain tehnologijom konstantno raste, naročito nakon studenog 2021. godine kada je kripto tržište doživjelo svoj vrhunac. Bitcoin i Ethereum su lideri na kripto tržištu i imaju najvišu cijenu i tržišnu kapitalizaciju. Međutim, među njima postoje značajne razlike po pitanju sigurnosnih elemenata, načina nagrađivanja rudara, transakcijskih naknada, pa čak i stupnja negativnog ekološkog otiska. Sve njihove sličnosti i razlike identificirane su kroz sekundarno istraživanje u ovom radu. Primarnim istraživanjem putem online anketno g upitnika ispitani su stavovi i iskustva građana s Bitcoinom i Ethereumom te njihova predviđanja budućih cijena navedenih kriptovaluta. Osim toga, u istraživanju su ispitana općenita znanja građana o blockchainu i k riptovalutama te njihovi stavovi o odnosu kriptovaluta i fiat novca, utjecaju kriptovaluta na monetarnu politiku država i slično. Rezultati su pokazali da među ispitanicima vlada visoka razina svjesnosti o postojanju kriptovaluta i blockchaina, međutim, njihova količina znanja o istima je niska. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, njih 26,5% ima kripto imovinu. Da bi došli u njezin posjed brojni su koristili vlastitu ušteđevinu, no postoji i znatan udio drugih, koji su koristili različite oblike zaduživanja. Kada kriptovalute padaju ispod cijene po kojoj su je početno platili, većina ispitanika reagira tako da kupuje dodatnu količinu iste kriptovalute, a u takvim situacijama među ispitanicima vlada srednja razina zabrinutosti. U trenutku popunjavanja anketnog upitnika kod većine ispitanika vrijednost kripto imovine je porasla ili je na jednakoj razini kao i početno ulaganje. Ispitanici B itcoin smatraju dominantnom kriptovalutom upravo zbog njegove tržišne kapitalizacije, no kod Ethereuma tokene za razvoj aplikacija i pametnih ugovora vide kao prednost pred Bitcoinom. Kao glavni nedostatak Ethereuma identificiran je visok gas fee. Ipak, kada su upitani koju od dvije kriptovalute bi u ovom trenutku kupili, većina ispitanika odabrala je Ethereum. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nowadays, interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is constantly growing, especially after November 2021, when the crypto market reached its peak. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the leaders in the crypto market and have the highest price and market capitalization. However, there are significant differences between them in terms of security elements, ways of rewarding miners, transaction fees, and even the degree of negative ecological footprint. All their similarities and differences were identified through secondary research in this paper. Through primary research in online survey questionnaire, citizens' attitudes and experiences with Bitcoin and Ethereum were examined, as well as their predictions of the future prices of the mentioned cryptocurrencies. In addition, the research examined citizens' general knowledge about blo ckchain and cryptocurrencies, as well as their views on the relationship between cryptocurrencies and fiat money, the influence of cryptocurrencies on the monetary policy of states, and the like. The results showed that among the respondents there is a high level of awareness about the existence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, however, their amount of knowledge about them is low. Of the total number of respondents, 26.5% have crypto assets. In order to get into its possession, many used their own savings, but there is also a significant share of others who used various forms of borrowing. When cryptocurrencies fall below the price at which they initially paid for it, most respondents react by buying an additional amount of the same cryptocurrency, and in such situations there is a medium level of concern among respondents. At the time of filling out the survey questionnaire, the value of crypto assets has increased or is at the same level as the initial investment for most of the respondents. Respondents consider Bitcoin to be the dominant cryptocurrency precisely because of its market capitalization, but with Ethereum, they see tokens for application development and smart contracts as an advantage over Bitcoin. A high gas fee was identified as the main drawback of Ethereum. However, when asked which of the two cryptocurrencies they would buy at the moment, the majority of respondents chose Ethereum. |